Many of you must be aware of the immense benefits of regular exercise and physical activity on your body and brain. Exercising not just helps you maintain a healthy weight, it also keeps several diseases at bay. By keeping your blood pressure, sugar levels and cholesterol in control, exercising along with a healthy diet can decrease your risk of developing lifestyle diseases.  Whether you are having a bad day at work or just feeling low, a brisk walk or a gym session may leave you feeling more relaxed and less anxious. Despite knowing so many benefits of exercising and physical activity, often people find it easy to get started with exercising but they find it difficult to stick to a routine.

Despite best of intentions, people struggle to make exercising a daily habit after the initial enthusiasm wanes. Whether you want fab abs or you just want to feel healthy, here are a few ways to making exercise a part of your daily life:

  1. Remove the mental barriers: The first step towards making exercise a routine is to break down the barriers that are keeping you from exercising. No matter how busy people are, they still tend to find time to watch television, spend hours on social networking and doing household tasks. Some of these things are necessary while others are not really productive. By reducing your non-productive hours and utilising them for your health, you can add a few more years to your life. Start with allocating 15-20 minutes daily to some of form of exercise and then you can gradually increase it.  
  • Do a variety of activities: Working out doesn’t mean that you have to same mundane exercise every day. If you love working out at the gym, have a session that has a variety of interesting exercises. Switch between different machines every day.  You can alternate among gyming, walking, running, or aerobics classes. Joining a gym or a group class can help you stick to your weekly routine.
  • Tag along with a friend: A workout partner can stop you from going back to your old routine. With a workout buddy, you can have a good time exercising, laughing and getting each other healthy. Playing a game of tennis or badminton with a friend will not just bring out your competitive side but also encourage you to improve your game.
  • Have realistic goals: When people have unrealistic expectations, they tend to stop working out. Even if you are not losing weight, exercising is still good for health. In the initial stages, it’s better to enjoy your daily workout rather than monitoring your weighing scale. First, make sure that you are enjoying your daily routine. For this dabble in a few activities and do the ones you like.  Once the routine sets in, then you set a goal for yourself.  The goal need not be to lose weight, it can be about playing a certain number of sets or lifting weights.
  • Use technology to keep yourself on track: Use technology to keep yourself on track: In this day and age, you don’t have to keep a journal to track your progress. You can use technology to do that. There several fitness app that will help you to keep a visual track of your goals and victories. Knowing how far you’ve come in your training efforts helps you remain motivated and encourage you to do better.

Motivate yourself with fantastic FitSreet gym wear

Looking good and feeling comfortable in your gym wear is one of the best ways to keep yourself motivated to exercise. Choose from a wide range of stringers gym wear for men and women from FitStreet. The clothes are designed to be breathable, sweat-free and durable, keeping your dry and comfortable during the workout session. To buy hoodies online in India, visit

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